Git: Splitting a old git commit while preserving commit timestamps
Written on Wednesday, 2011-06-15 05:30. Tagged git
Here be dragons! This post is more than three years old. The information and advice it presents may be deprecated, wrong, or unvise. Thread with cation.
While cleaning (svn to git) the sourcecode from my bachelor thesis, i now and then needed to split a commit into two. When doing this, i still wanted to preserve the original timestamp.
user@host ~/tmp $ git init .
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/user/tmp/.git/
user@host ~/tmp (master) $ echo -e "Hello World.\nHow are you?" > fileA.txt
user@host ~/tmp (master*) $ ls
fileA.txt fileB.txt fileC.txt fileD.txt
user@host ~/tmp (master*) $ git add fileA.txt
user@host ~/tmp (master*) $ git commit -m'Added file A'
[master (root-commit) ada1ac0] Added file A
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 fileA.txt
user@host ~/tmp (master*) $ echo -e "I am fine, you?\nAll well, thank you." > fileB.txt
user@host ~/tmp (master*) $ echo -e "When are we meeting for dinner?\nAt 18:00, don't you dare forget\!" > fileC.txt
user@host ~/tmp (master*) $ git add fileB.txt fileC.txt
user@host ~/tmp (master*) $ git commit -m'Added file B'
[master 50b737a] Added file B
2 files changed, 4 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 fileB.txt
create mode 100644 fileC.txt
user@host ~/tmp (master*) $ echo -e "Bugger, we added two files in the last committ \!\nDon't worry, I know what to do\!" > fileD.txt
user@host ~/tmp (master*) $ git add fileD.txt
user@host ~/tmp (master*) $ git commit -m'Added file D'
[master 2563a97] Added file D
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 fileD.txt
user@host ~/tmp (master) $ git log --format=oneline | cat
2563a976d8d87e8c30466549eccd1dc8e690fe4e Added file D
50b737ae21790ec309f61024257c7f5d27e12365 Added file B
ada1ac0a2b823e93e2ede64b17b803d9628414a7 Added file A
Daam, commit 50b737a
was supposed to be two commits!
hildenae@ick:~/tmp/wwsvntogit/WizardWars$ git rebase -i c2180
Stopped at be7755e... Comments
You can amend the commit now, with
git commit --amend
Once you are satisfied with your changes, run
git rebase --continue
hildenae@ick:~/tmp/wwsvntogit/WizardWars$ git reset HEAD^
Unstaged changes after reset:
M parser/createSG/src/no/hig/rag/parser/
M parser/createSG/src/no/hig/rag/parser/
M parser/createSG/src/no/hig/rag/parser/
M parser/createSG/src/no/hig/rag/parser/
M parser/createSG/src/no/hig/rag/parser/
M parser/createSG/src/no/hig/rag/parser/
hildenae@ick:~/tmp/wwsvntogit/WizardWars$ git commit -c be7755e -- parser/createSG/src/no/hig/rag/parser/ parser/createSG/src/no/hig/rag/parser/
[detached HEAD 7b4ef13] Remove unused classes from createSG
2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 382 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 parser/createSG/src/no/hig/rag/parser/
delete mode 100644 parser/createSG/src/no/hig/rag/parser/
hildenae@ick:~/tmp/wwsvntogit/WizardWars$ git commit -ac be7755e
[detached HEAD 1a6d313] Add javadoc comments and cleanup sourcecode
4 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)
hildenae@ick:~/tmp/wwsvntogit/WizardWars$ git rebase --continue
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master.
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