Using BankID (norwegian type) in Ubuntu 10.04
Here be dragons! This post is more than three years old. The information and advice it presents may be deprecated, wrong, or unvise. Thread with cation.
Update: As of Ubuntu 10.10 this should not be nessesary, as OpenJDK in Ubuntu >= 10.10 should work with BankID.
In Ubuntu 10.04 (and probably onwards) OpenJDK Java and the Icedtea java plugin are the standard Java toolkit. BankID works with OpenJDK (just try installing Opera 10.10. Opera pre 10.5 use OpenJDK directly, without Icedtea), Icedtea is the troublemaker.
Sun Java has been pushed all the way into the Canonocal partner repository, that is not enabled as default. The following lines are a quick way to enable it and install java, even if the same is possible with lengthy GUI “click-here-then-there” tutorials.
sudo add-apt-repository "deb lucid partner"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin
Line one adds the Canonical Partner repository to you software
sources. There should be no complications if it is already enabled.
Line two updates the list of avalible packages, so that line three
can find and install the package sun-java6-plugin
it’s dependencies.
Sun Java should be the standard after this, if not, try to force it to be default with this line. And remember to restart you browser (or possibly restart your system)
sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun